I recently purchased three of these toothbrush holders for my family's toothbrushes. My youngest son was at home when they arrived by mail as well as the two girls I babysit regularly...one 4.5 years , her sister 2 years. The three of them were in awe after I assembled the holders and suctioned them to the tile wall. The older girl said,"It's good that you bought these." She really likes things neat and organized. My boy loved the mechanical nature of the product. How..when you put your brush in as shown in the photo...the ladybug closes up. just tug lightly outward and the ladybug opens to release your toothbrush. No more tossing toothbrushes in sink when finished...now my boy rinses his brush with care and places it back into his ladybug.
I love them because I buy the recycline preserve toothbrushes...made from recycled yogurt cups...and they are too large for the permanent toothbrush holder grouted into my tile wall. (http://www.preserveproducts.com/). Also the ladybyg keeps dirt off the tooth brush especially cat hair. Very cool. I really wanted the Hello Kitty version but I try to stay away from characters...but I do adore Hello Kitty. I even made a knitted Hello Kitty bag for a child's birthday...then I made one for my little boy because he is fond of her as well.
Hi, What a cool knitted bag, cheers from New Zealand, Marie