Helle's dvd was simply inspiring. Her new dvd is entitled...small ones ages one to two years, and is simply astounding. I haven't viewed the entire video yet, but te piece that shpws Helle with a table full of one and two year old children and an assistant, sitting down to snack is inspiring. She really truly holds the form. Thechildren are at ease and know to wait patiently to eat until everyone has been served. Helle is my lead teacher's mentor. Years ago when she took the training, she was paired with Helle. We chatted briefly about Helle's presence with regard to her being so able to hold the form of the mealtime.
Yesterday, i was in the lead position at mealtime, as Kerry needed to step out and converse with someprospective parents. the children had been out of sorts at circle and then at the sitting down at table part following. It took quite alot to bring some degree of peace and order to the group. I found rising within me from my stomach to my throat a type of sternness. Some children and their stools were pulled away from table until their hands could stop banging the table. Finally fire faery came and the children were waiting for their soup to be served. The chaos started to return, but i insisted on quiet at the table. We usually don't insist on complete quiet in the nursery but low table voices instaed. Something inside me felt that i needed to insist on quiet...and i was stern. It seemed to work, they quieted down. Later when we were all outside, i felt a wave of extreme tiredness...it had taken alot out of me to bring that order.
Today when Kerry needed to step out at the same time, it was much easier to hold the form. This time however, she stepped out after blessing. I was not exhausted outside, but energized. I need to think about this some more. Was my etheric drained from the effort of holding the form of the meal? I know i have been getting plenty of rest. Hmmm. I wonder.
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