Wednesday, October 6, 2010

emmi pikler

I recently finished reading my group s assignment. this particular reading is a journal of the sensory awareness organization containing a rare english translation of some of piklers writings. alot of her writings have been translated into french and some others but not english. this particular review took several of her writings across the span of her life and used the excerpts to create an article or synopsis of piklers work.

she was atruly remarkable woman. what i found impressed me most was her courage. she held a belief in proper development of children in the early years which she tested for validity on her own child. then she advised parents in her pediatric practice to use her methods on their children. Finally she was able to have her methods strictly adhered to on a large scale in the loczy facility. i say i admire her courage because at the time the general public scoffed at her. even regarding her private patients others believed the parents did not truly follow piklers advice in the privacy of their own homes. and therefore they found piklers claims unfounded. once loczy was in place pikler was able to publish her findings with more scientific proof because the environment the children were in was strictly managed.
piklers findings basically discuss treating children with respect having them learn through self initiated movement bringing them joy. her findings prove that if these methods or philosophies are followed children will move i
at a higher level. what i mean by that is when those children learn to walk through self initiated movement they really learn to walk very very well. these children have grace and balance which rivals their peers who have been taught to move. according to piklers findings children innately know what they need to do to eventually walk upright. if achild is born with a weak back the child will naturally spend more time on the floor on their bellie

y strengthening the back. where as other children with a stronger back will spend more time in another position.

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